Original Research
Educator performance and the strategic plan priorities of the Eastern Cape Department of Education
Submitted: 15 May 2022 | Published: 01 December 2022
About the author(s)
Beauty Zindi, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Commerce, University of Fort Hare, Bisho, South AfricaModeni M. Sibanda, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Commerce, University of Fort Hare, Bisho, South Africa
Background: The Eastern Cape Department of Education (ECDoE) is still experiencing skills shortages among its educators which poses critical challenges in performing their duties of improving learner performance in the province. Shortages of skills development programmes in the Eastern Cape has resulted in poor performance of both educators and learners in most schools. Although the ECDoE has clearly espoused its strategic objectives regarding training and development of educators, it is worrying that only a limited number of educators have received capacity development in critical performance areas.
Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between educator performance and the strategic plan priorities of the ECDoE.
Setting: Buffalo City Education District in Eastern Cape Province.
Methods: The study adopted a quantitative research strategy and uses a survey questionnaire to collect information from respondents. The sample size was made up of two hundred and seventy (270) participants. The survey questionnaire used a Likert scale ranging from one (1) (strongly agree) to five (5) (strongly disagree). The reliability of the survey questionnaires was determined by calculating the Pearson’s coefficient, and internal consistency was measured using Cronbach’s alpha scale.
Results: The study established that remediating the lack of training opportunities for educators was the direct objective of the ECDoE strategic plan priorities.
Conclusion: The article concludes that the ECDoE needs to carry out a skills and capacity audit, based on strategic plan needs analysis. The designing of human capital skills development and training programmes should be informed by the ECDoE’s strategic plan and Integrated Quality Management System that align with educators’ key performance areas.
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Crossref Citations
1. IsiXhosa as a preservative instrument of culture: A consideration of ethnolinguistics
Mlamli Diko
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies first page: 1 year: 2023
doi: 10.2989/16073614.2023.2237536